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Health Services

Mrs. Pierina Antonello BSN, CSN
Health Office: 610-644-2551 ext.1062
Fax: 610-644-2866


Note: On Tuesdays, Villa's Health Office is staffed by a visiting nurse from the Great Valley School District. 

  • The school nurse will administer basic first aid, dispense permitted drugs and care for an ill student until a parent or designated adult on the student’s emergency card can take the student home.
  • A parent should contact the school nurse if his/her daughter has any health concerns including current or past medical diagnosis, allergies or pertinent health history. Likewise, the school nurse should be informed if the student takes medication daily.
  • In the event of a serious medical emergency, 911 will be called, and the student will be transported to the hospital via ambulance.
  • Injuries that do not occur at school are not the responsibility of the school nurse. By law, school nurses are not permitted to diagnose illnesses or injuries, so parents are asked to refrain from sending their child to the health office for diagnosis or treatment of these injuries.

Please feel free to contact the nurse with your questions and concerns regarding medical issues with students.

Any important changes or additions to your daughter's medical information should be changed in Magnus Health.  Medical documents such as physical exam forms, new medications, etc., should be uploaded to Magnus Health as well.